Festivals await!

It's been a while since I've posted any updates about "Parallels." There have been quite some troubles and not only in post-production of the project but in the world in general, I'm sure you know it. So, that spark faded away for a bit. But recently, I've been adding subtitles to the behind-the-scenes video for "Parallels" and I sort of remembered it all. The excitement, the anticipation, the joy, the tears (both in and out of character), the struggles, and the rewards of it. The growth I received as a filmmaker, the genuine connections I've made with both cast and crew. And THAT lit up that spark and made me continue, made me finish the project and not give up. I'm officially done with the film and sending it free-floating into the world of festivals until it finds its audience. I also am looking forward to the premiere and to share it with you.